The Best Hiking Gear: Reviews by Seasoned PNW-Based Hikers
Check out our latest gear guides to learn more about what we use and wholeheartedly recommend for different situations and weather conditions.
10 of the Best Winter Hiking Pants for Your Next Cold-Weather Adventure
Hiking in the winter is challenging, especially without the right pants. The wrong choice can leave you feelin’ as mummified as Ralphie’s little brother (Ian) in A Christmas Story plus sweating your bum off—quite literally. But the right choice will leave you comfortable, warm, AND dry all day long with plenty of mobility to go around.
9 of the Best Hiking Backpacks Under $100 (2021)
Hiking without a good backpack can turn your peaceful expedition into a journey riddled with sore muscles and aching joints. While you may think you have to spend hundreds (gasp—or more!) to find something nice, there are dozens of excellent budget-friendly hiking backpacks under $100. They’re perfect for beginners or anyone ballin’ on a tight budget itching to get outdoors.